Virtual classes

Published by admin on

It looks like the studio will be closed for the foreseeable future. Although this saddens me, I am so appreciative that many of you have embraced the facebook live classes. These are unprecedented times, and my current motto is to simply “go with the flow.” I am making decisions as best as I can, one day at a time.

I miss seeing you all in person, and I look forward to the time when we can all congregate in one space again! For now, virtual classes are how we can enjoy a class together, while safely apart.

In these times of social physical distancing, it’s important to keep connections. I feel that the community we have built together is a great one, and I hope you all continue to avail of the facebook group.

The new online schedule for April will change a little. Gail will continue to teach on Tuesdays (7pm strength) and Wednesdays (5:45 gentle flow). My personal schedule will change. I will continue to teach Sundays (7:30 flow) and Mondays (7pm fiercely focused), but the restorative class that was on Wednesday will be moved to THURSDAY (7:00pm). The beginner class that was offered on Monday at 6pm will be cancelled, and in it’s place I will be doing gentle flow morning/day classes (times will be announced). I will also be doing short pose breakdown videos throughout the week to make sure we are all mindful of our alignment and positioning. The wonderful thing about the facebook videos is that you can join us live, or you can watch at your convenience.

Pricing. Some people join us for one class per week, others join us for every single class! Because this is a facebook group, it’s impossible to separate membership. To be fair and still accessible, we have decided to charge a suggested price of $35. If you have lost income due to COVID-19, you have the option to pay less. If you would like to pay more, pay more. Our goal with this price point is to pay Gail and myself for our time, and put all other money towards the lease for the studio/utilities/insurance, etc.

Payment can be made via EMT, to If you would like to pay with a credit card or paypay, email that same address with your request and I will send you a link.

If you would like to join the facebook group and avail of these live videos, the link can be found at




Sharon · April 1, 2020 at 6:18 pm

Hey Jenn..this is a great plan! I was just going to pay online but I guess you have to set up the new pricing? Let me know. Thanks! Sharon

    admin · April 1, 2020 at 6:22 pm

    send me an email at and I will send you a link for payment 🙂

Marilyn · April 1, 2020 at 8:10 pm

That’s fabulous. I really look forward to the classes and live the flexibility.Can you send the link and I’ll continue to pay with my Visa. Thanks

    admin · April 1, 2020 at 11:50 pm

    Thanks Marilyn 🙂 Send me an email at and I’ll send you a link!

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